The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government and free markets. Founded in 1991, it is the oldest continuously-operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement. (More history at
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Tampa Bay is a local chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus, founded in October 2012 and chartered by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida in December 2012. We are actively working to advance the principles of limited government, free markets and individual liberty in the Tampa Bay area. We have two active sub-chapters established: The Sarasota County Chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Tampa Bay and the Republican Liberty Caucus of Pinellas County. If you are interested in getting a chapter going in your area, please contact us.
We’ve held monthly meetings, hosted a variety of interesting speakers, and put on an annual(ish) Liberty Picnic to help bring everyone together and help raise money for our local chapter.
We are very active on social media, raising awareness to our efforts and focusing on timely news stories that speak to our core principles. We’ve grown so much on social media, in fact, that as of this writing (March 2015) we have the second largest following of any Republican Liberty Caucus chapter, second only to RLC National.
So please, become a dues-paying member, attend your local Republican Party meetings, or find some other way to get involved. Your community, and your country, need you.