0 By Joe Jordan In Greenlight Pinellas, Pinellas County, Voter GuidePosted July 26, 2018Barb Haselden vs Larry Ahern and Kathleen Peters for Board of County Commissioners District 6In the race for Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners, District 6, we fully endorse Barb Haselden for this open county board seat. READ MORE
0 By rlctb In Greenlight Pinellas, Pinellas County, Voter GuidePosted July 16, 2018Nick DiCeglie vs. Berny Jacques: Florida House District 66In the Florida House District 66 race between Berny Jacques and Nick DiCeglie, the Republican Liberty Caucus of Pinellas recommends Nick DiCeglie. READ MORE
0 By rlctb In Greenlight Pinellas, Tampa Bay TimesPosted August 21, 2014BUSTED: Tampa Bay Times Edits Article to Hide Negative Impact of Greenlight PinellasYesterday, the Pinellas Democratic Party decided to stop short of endorsing the Greenlight Pinellas Tax Hike Referendum. The Tampa Bay Times put an article up on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 at [...] READ MORE